The Subconscious Mind and the Body

by Cory Seidel on June 14, 2011

The Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious has no ability to reject any idea or thought; it simply accepts every suggestion made to it. Each thought you have is impressed upon the subconscious part of your mind. It can’t discriminate any information and takes in all the information it receives as facts. All of those words, actions, and behaviors of your parents, teachers, clergy, coaches, and any other early mentors, were taken in through your conscious mind and embedded into your subconscious mind.

Your conscious mind gathers thoughts and filters them down into your subconscious mind where they bounce around and try to mix with your beliefs. If your beliefs are in alignment and mix with the thoughts, like coffee and cream, then you feel fine. If those thoughts are not in alignment with your beliefs, like oil and vinegar, conflict starts happening. No matter how hard you try to stir them together, they will not mix. This results in uncomfortable feelings like sadness, frustration or anger. Your body is the instrument reflecting the activity happening in your mind. If you don’t like how you’re feeling, you have to go back and look at the thoughts and beliefs that are making you feel that way.

To better explain, let’s look at a real life example.

Our children give us a beautiful card. Our conscious mind (through our eyes) reads and interprets the words; this information then moves into our subconscious mind and we feel how much our children love us. This feeling then migrates into our body, and we are happy. This type of emotion changes the vibration in every cell of our body; we radiate happiness, and others want to be around our uplifting energy.

The Body

Although it may not seem like it, the body is only a small presentation of ourselves to the world. This is the smallest portion of the Stickman. It is only an instrument of the mind and is an outward appearance to the world. However, without the body, the mind can’t act upon its beliefs. Every thought moves through your two minds and then your subconscious turns it into emotions, which are then expressed through your body as your feelings. The thoughts that enter your mind are either in harmony or disharmony with your beliefs, which affects your emotions. This is where the body comes in to play. You feel the emotions in your body and, being the instrument of your mind, your body moves into action based on what your mind tells it to do. Your body is what interacts with your environment. Then, when your body takes action in the environment, you get a reaction. (Remember Newton’s Law of Motion—for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction!) It is this action-reaction that gives you your results. So, the body is used by the mind to interact with the environment around us, which enables us to get the results we receive in our lives.

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Written by: Cory Seidel

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